Download an application form here.

Selection is open to members of DogsNT and their home club is in the NT.

Participants will have to pay their own way to the nationals with no assistance from DogsNT. If you wish to fundraise that would be their responsibility.

Participants would be required to submit up to 5 Qualifying cards obtain between March 2013 and April 2014. For Agility or Jumping only. Each of these cards will gain points for the position that they receive.
i.e 1st 10 points, 2nd 9 points, 3rd 8th points and 10th worth 1 point.

The team will consist of 6 dogs. This will be based on the number points that they have accumulated with the cards submitted. Top score possible is 50 with 5 cards. If there is a tie then the highest titled dog will be selected. If it is still a tie a run off will have to be done.

5 Dogs run in the event with the worst score eliminated after each round. The 6th Dog is a reserve in the event of a dog injuring themselves prior to the event.
Information can be obtained from the Trials Advisory Committee.

Further information regarding the team’s event can be viewed at follow the link for the National Teams Event.